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Explanation of the different roles chatters can have.


Roles can be assigned to users using / (slash) commands or in the Roles Manager of the Creator Dashboard. Users can hold multiple roles at a time, but cannot be Moderator and VIP at the same time; assigning moderator rights will remove the VIP role.

Types of Roles


Editors can access a channel's dashboard and help you manage your channel by performing the following actions:

  • Editing stream info
  • Running commercial breaks
  • Editing video info
  • Uploading videos
  • Starting reruns
  • Downloading past broadcasts
  • Reviewing, searching, sorting, and deleting (including mass deleting) clips
  • Setting channel clipping permissions


Moderators help manage a chat to help ensure that it stays safe, welcoming, and fun by performing the following actions:

  • Time out or ban users
  • Enable slow, subscriber- and follower-only chat modes
  • Start, manage, and end polls (if affiliated or partned)
  • Start, manage, and end predictions (if affiliated or partned)


VIPs are valuable members of a community who are recognised with a special badge. VIPs have the following abilities:

  • Chat without being affected by slow, sub-only, or followers-only modes
  • Chat without being affected by rate limits
  • Post links in chat even when links are disabled


Artists are members of a community who are recognised for their contributions to the brand/style of the channel, such as emotes, overlays, avatars and more. There are five (5) artist badges available for each channel.

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