Chat Highlighting
About highlighting Twitch Chat messages.
Basic Functionality​
Twitch allows you to toggle a series of highlights for messages that appear in your chat. These can be selected individually by clicking the "filter" icon below your chat window or through the "settings" icon (if the shortcut is not yet activated).
Highlights are only visible to moderators and above.
You can currently toggle the following highlights:
- Suspicious Users
- First Time Chatter
- Returning Chatter (New viewers who have chatted at least twice in the last 30 days)
- Raiders
- @ Mentions (When someone tags you in chat, like @username)
- Moderators
- Subscribers
Default vs. Minimised​
By default highlights will designate who has access by the sword (moderator) and camera (creator) icon. Minimising the highlight will not show these icons.
Raider Duration​
Each raid you receive has a separate timer. For the raider highlight specifically, you can adjust how long the highlight will stay active in chat for:
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 1 hour
- 4 hours
Order of Priority​
If a chatter qualifies for multiple highlights, the following order applies (top highlight will be shown):
- Suspicious Users
- Mention
- Moderator
- Subscriber
- (other status)
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