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Channel Points Overall

Earning and spending Channel Points (CP).


You earn CP by fundamentally watching a livestream. In addition, you can get bonuses for various actions or states of your user. More details about

Bonuses & Multipliers​

  • Watch for 5 minutes: +10
  • Claim special bonuses: +50
  • Participate in a Raid: +250
  • Follow this channel: +300
  • Monthly 1st Cheer: +350
  • Monthly 1st Gift a Sub: +500
  • Grow a watch streak: up to +450 (per level)
  • Tier 1 sub: 1.2x multiplier
  • Tier 2 sub: 1.4x multiplier
  • Tier 3 sub: 2x multiplier

Spending on Rewards​

Each channel can feature as many rewards (i.e. redemptions) as they want, up to a limit of 50. The minimum cost for a reward is 1 and the maximum cost 999'999'999. If a reward is redeemed and cannot be fulfilled, the creator can refund the CP back to the user - but only provided that the reward has not been set to "skip reward requests queue".

Spending on Predictions & Polls​


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